▎管院簡介 / 院長介紹

院長 吳信宏

第27屆中華民國國家品質獎評審小組委員 (2022.11 ~ 2024.10)
112年度企業經營品質躍升計畫「卓越經營輔導」審查委員 (2023.8 ~ 2023.12)
彰化基督教醫院研究顧問 (2018.9.18 ~ 2022.6.30)
IISE Transaction on Healthcare Systems Engineering 副主編(現職)
Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling 副主編(現職)
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences 副主編(現職)
AIMS Public Health 編輯委員(現職)
The Open Public Health Journal 編輯委員(現職)
Hospital Practices and Research 編輯委員(現職)
Science and Research Journal 編輯委員(現職)
International Journal of Epidemiology and Health Sciences 編輯委員(現職)
Lead Co-Guest Editor, Article Collection of Risk Management and Healthcare Policy (SSCI): Advancing Patient Safety Culture and Managing Healthcare Risks for Sustainable Healthcare (2023.10.24 ~ 2024.3.31)
Lead Co-Guest Editor, Special Issue of AIMS Public Health (Scopus, ESCI): Data Analytics in Human Activity Recognition for Health Promotion (2023.8 ~ 2024.8)
Lead Co-Guest Advisor, Article Collection of Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment (SCI): The effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for people with cognitive dysfunction (2023.7 ~ 2024.1)
Guest Editor, Sustainability (SSCI) Special Issue: Green and Digital Transformation in Operations Management (2022.6 ~ 2023.12)
Topic Editor, Frontiers in Psychology Special Issue on Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior and Personality (2022.5 ~ 2022.9)
Guest Editor, Sustainability Special Issue on Impact of Operation Management on Sustainable Development of Corporation (2021.12-2022.2)
Lead Guest Editor, Inquiry (2016)
Information 編輯委員
Journal of Industrial Engineering 編輯委員
The Scientific World Journal 編輯委員(電腦科學領域)
Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information 編輯委員


中華民國品質學會會士 (2022)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022)-學術生涯科學影響力排行榜(1960-2022) [本校共13位入選,本人排名第7名] [全台共1593名入選,本人排名第850名] (2023)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022)- 2022年度科學影響力排行榜 [本校共8位入選,本人排名第4名][全台共1372名入選,本人排名第727名] (2023)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021)-學術生涯科學影響力排行榜(1960-2021) [本校共12位入選,本人排名第7名] (2022)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2021)- 2021年度科學影響力排行榜 [本校共8位入選,本人排名第5名] (2022)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020)-學術生涯科學影響力排行榜(1960-2020) [本校共11位入選,本人排名第8名] (2021)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020)- 2020年度科學影響力排行榜 [本校共10位入選,本人排名第4名] (2021)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2019)-學術生涯科學影響力排行榜(1960-2019) [本校共11位入選,本人排名第8名] (2020)

全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2019)- 2019年度科學影響力排行榜 [本校共10位入選,本人排名第5名] (2020)




國立彰化師範大學特聘教授(2014.8 ~ 2020.7)

國立彰化師範大學傑出研究教師獎(2007, 2011, 2015, 2019, 2023)

行政院科技部特殊優秀人才獎勵(2010.10 ~ 2018.7)

國立彰化師範大學研究成果頂級獎(2010, 2011, 2022, 2023, 2024)

國立彰化師範大學研究精實獎(2022, 2023, 2024)



  • Jhang, K.-M., Liao, G.-C., Wang, W.-F., Tung, Y.-C., Yen, S.-W., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Caregivers’ Burden on Patients with Dementia Having Multiple Chronic Diseases,” Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 17,1151-1163, 2024. (SSCI)
  • Huang, C.-H., Lee, Y.-C., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Medical Staff’s Emotional Exhaustion and its Relationship with Patient Safety Dimensions,” Journal of Health Organization and Management, 38(1), 22-31, 2024. (SSCI)
  • Stanworth, J.O., Hsu, R.S., Stanworth, P.A., Kemp, J.M., Tzen, R., and Wu, H.-H.*, “When Culture Matters: Using Compliments and Complaints to Define and Influence Chinese Patients’ Satisfaction,” Health Communication, 39(1), 136-147, 2024. (SSCI)
  • Huang, C.-H., Wu, H.-H.*, and Lee, Y.-C.*, “A Comparative Study on Patient Safety Culture Among High-Risk Hospital Staff in the Context of the Covid-19 and Non-Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in Taiwan,” Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1200764, 2023. (SSCI)
  • Wu, H.-H., Lee, Y.-C., Huang, C.-H., and Li, L., “Healthcare Professional’s Perception of Patient Safety Assessed by the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture in Taiwan: A Systematic Review,” The TQM Journal, 35(3), 615-629, 2023. (EI)
  • Jhang, K.-M., Wang, W.-F., Cheng, Y.-C., Tung, Y.-C., Yen, S.-W., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Care Need Combinations for Dementia Patients with Multiple Chronic Diseases,” Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 16, 179-195, 2023. (SSCI)
  • Chen, Y.-J., Jhang, K.-M., Wang, W.-F., Lin, G.-C., Yen, S.-W., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Applying Apriori Algorithm to Explore Long-Term Care Services Usage Status – Variables Based on the Combination of Patients with Dementia and their Caregivers,” Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1022860, 2022. (SSCI)
  • Tang, Y.T., Yang, H.-W., Lo, M.-M., and Wu, H.-H.*, “A Data Examination on A Supermarket Dataset in Taiwan,” The TQM Journal, 34(6), 1942-1957, 2022. (EI)
  • Huang, C.-H., Wang, Y., Wu, H.-H.*, and Lee, Y.-C., “Assessment of Patient Safety Culture during COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Tertiary A-level Hospital in China,” The TQM Journal, 34(5), 1189-1201, 2022. (EI)
  • 李晏華、黃冠凱、吳信宏*,「探討醫院異常事件通報病患發生跌倒事件之分析-以中部某區域教學醫院為例」,品質學報,29(2),99-117,2022。(leading article) (EI)
  • Lee, M.H., Lee, Y.-C., Huang, C.-H., Wu, C.-F., Hsueh, H.-W., and Wu, H.-H.*, “A Longitudinal Study of Nurses’ Work-Life Balance: A Case of A Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan,” Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17(1), 93-108, 2022. (SSCI)
  • 魏紹偉、黃冠凱、吳信宏*,「利用Apriori演算法探討異常通報事件關聯規則之初探」,技術學刊,36(4),229-241,2021。(EI) 
  • Huang, C.-H., Lai, C.-T., Wu, C.-F., Lee, Y.-C., Yu, C.-H., Hsueh, H.-W., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Gender Difference in the Perceptions of the Patient Safety Culture: A Case from A Medical Center in Taiwan,” The TQM Journal, 33(6), 1561-1571, 2021. (EI)
  • 李怡芳、李怡慶、謝俊逸、黃志璿、黃冠凱、余嘉惠、吳信宏*,「探討醫護人員之病人安全文化:以中部某地區醫院為例」,品質學報,28(5),322-348,2021。(EI)
  • Lu, A.-W., Chang, Y.-H., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Analyzing Service Quality and Satisfaction by Multivariate Analysis of Variance: A Case of Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation,” International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, 13(4), 1-17, 2021. (Leading Article) (EI)
  • Chao, S.-H., Chen, M.-K., and Wu, H.-H.*, “An LRFM Model to Analyze Outpatient Loyalty from A Medical Center in Taiwan,” Sage Open, 11(3), 21582440211031899, 2021. (SSCI)
  • Chang, C.-C., Wang, W.-F., Li, Y.-Y., Chen, Y.-A., Chen, Y.-J., Liao, Y.-C., Jhang, K.-M., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Using the Apriori Algorithm to Explore Caregivers’ Depression by the Combination of the Patients with Dementia and their Caregivers,” Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 14, 2953-2963, 2021. (SSCI)
  • Chen, Y.-A., Chang, C.-C., Wang, W.-F., Lin, Y.-S., Jhang, K.-M., Lo, T.-Y., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Association between Caregivers’ Burden and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Female Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease with Varying Dementia Severity,” Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 14, 929-940, 2021. (SCI)
  • Chao, S.-H., Chen, M.-K., and Wu, H.-H.*, “An Empirical Study of Hospital’s Outpatient Loyalty from A Medical Center in Taiwan,” Sage Open, 11(2), 21582440211004125, 2021. (SSCI)
  • Jhang, K.-M., Wang, W.-F., Chang, H.-F., Chang, M.-C., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Characteristics Predicting A High Caregiver Burden in Patients with Vascular Cognitive Impairment: Using the Apriori Algorithm to Delineate the Caring Scenario,” Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 14, 1335-1351, 2021. (SSCI)
  • Cheng, C.-Y., Lee, Y.-C., Huang, C.-H., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Assessing Nurses’ Overall Satisfaction of Patient Safety Culture from A Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan,” International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 36(4), 537-548, 2020. (EI)
  • Jhang, K.-M., Wang, W.-F., Chang, H.-F., Liu, Y.-H., Chang, M.-C., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Care Needs of Community-Residing Male Patients with Vascular Cognitive Impairment,” Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 16, 2613-2621, 2020. (SCI)
  • Cheng, C.-Y., Lee, Y.-C., Huang, C.-H., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Assessing the Medical Staff’s Overall Satisfaction of Patient Safety Culture from A Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 48(6), 4153-4162, 2020. (SCI)
  • Chi, C.-Y., Huang, C.-H., Lee, Y.-C., Wu, C.-F., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Understanding Critical Demographic Variables Affecting Patient Safety Culture from Nurses’ Viewpoints,” The TQM Journal, 32(3), 429-440, 2020. (EI)
  • 林雅嫻、王文甫、呂郁蕙、張凱茗、陳富滿、葉瓊鈺、林哲瑋、康宜靜、張倩蜜、王釧如、吳信宏*女性阿茲海默症病人之照護目標組合的研究:以中部某醫學中心為例」,品質學報27(1)1-252020(EI)
  • 陳玟均、王文甫、呂郁蕙、張凱茗、陳富滿、葉瓊鈺、林哲瑋、康宜靜、張倩蜜、王釧如、吳信宏*利用Apriori演算法探討失智症患者於照護者壓力之影響:以中部醫學中心為例」,品質學報26(6)395-4182019(EI)
  • Jhang, K.-M., Chang, M.-C., Lo, T.-Y., Lin, C.-W., Wang, W.-F., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Using the Apriori Algorithm to Classify the Care Needs of Patients with Different Types of Dementia,” Patient Preference and Adherence, 13, 1899-1912, 2019. (SCI)
  • Lee, Y.-C., Huang, C.-H., Wu, C.-F., Hsueh, H.-W., and Wu, H.-H.*, “A Longitudinal Study of Identifying Critical Variables Influencing Patient Safety Culture from Nurses’ Viewpoints in Taiwan,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 47(5), 3387-3398, 2019. (SCI)
  • 劉錦鳳、吳信宏*工業4.0對供應商管理策略因子之影響-以台灣半導體為例」,品質學報26(4)207-2272019(EI)
  • Yan, G.-J., Wang, W.-F., Jhang, K.-M., Lin, C.-W., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Associations Between Patients with Dementia and High Caregiving Burden for Caregivers from A Medical Center in Taiwan,” Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 12, 55-65, 2019. (SSCI)
  • Lee, Y.-C., Zeng, P.-S., Huang, C.-H., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Causal Relationship Analysis of the Patient Safety Culture Based on Safety Attitudes Questionnaire in Taiwan,” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2018, 4268781, 2018. (SCI)
  • Shieh, J.-I and Wu, H.-H.*, “A Framework of Applying Ordering Coefficient Based on the Information Energy to Identify the Causal Relationships Among Critical Factors from Raw Data,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 46(2), 704-713, 2018. (SCI)
  • Lee, Y.-C., Shieh, J.-I, Huang, C.-H., Wang, C.Y., and Wu, H.-H.*, “Analyzing Patient Safety Culture from Viewpoints of Physicians and Nurses - A Case of A Regional Teaching Hospital in Taiwan,” Journal for Healthcare Quality, 39(5), 294-306, 2017. (SSCI)
  • Lee, Y.-C., Weng, S.-J., Huang, C.-H., Hsieh, W.-L., Hsieh, L.-P., and Wu, H.-H.*, “A Longitudinal Study of Identifying Critical Factors of Patient Safety Culture in Taiwan,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 45(3), 1029-1044, 2017. (SCI)


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